
사순절 첫째 주일
예수 그리스도의 고난과 십자가 사랑을 묵상하는
시간이 되기를 바랍니다.

교회청소: 점심식사후

개역개정 한영성경 구입신청 일반 $60 큰글자 $80
예비성도를 위한 성경 나눔 한 성도 / 한 성경
문의 신청 방성은 집사

한나(Hannah McGown)단기 선교 (6 개월)
2월 28일 출국  개월간 한국 제주도로 단기선교를 떠나게
되었습니다 기도와 물질로 후원해 주시기 바랍니다


1. Weekly Saturday morning prayer meeting at 7 am
새벽기도회가 매주 토요일 아침 7시에 있습니다.

2. Please pray for smooth pastoral transitions

3. Thank you everyone who helped church event for the
Asian Festival on Saturday at Century II
Profit : $ 4107.63
Profit from event will be used for 33% mission and
33% church event, 33% Women’s mission committee.

4. Farewell Party for Pastor Emery will be held on 10/23/22
Thank you for his dedication and service during his interim
Pastor period.

5. On October 30th, Church will have Trunk & Trick event
at the church parking lot. We will also have a pizza party
at 5 pm same day before event start.
Everyone is welcome to join this event and Please make
a candy donation for the event


1. Weekly Saturday morning prayer meeting at 7 am
새벽기도회가 매주 토요일 아침 7시에 있습니다.

2. Please pray for smooth pastoral transitions

3. Asian Festival will be held on Oct 15th at Century II
our church will attend as a food vendor
We are preparing event every day at 10 am at church
Especially, we will need lot of help from you on Saturday
Profit from vent will be used for 33% mission,
33% church event, and 33% Women’s mission committee.

Asian Festival에 성도님들의 많은 도움이 필요합니다
현재 매일 10시에 교회에서 모여서 판매할 음식을 준비중이며
토요일 새벽예배후에 대부분의 음식준비가 되어질 예정이니
오셔서 도움을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


1. Weekly Saturday morning prayer meeting at 7 am
새벽기도회가 매주 토요일 아침 7시에 있습니다.

2. Please pray for smooth pastoral transitions
Pastor Chang will start his pastoral work in October.
장진영 목사님은 지난주에 무사히 이사 오셨고
오늘부터 목회를 시작하십니다.

3. Asian Festival will be held on Oct 15th at Century II
our church will attend as a food vendor
Profit from vent will be used for 33% mission and
33% church event, 33% Women’s mission committee.

4. 예배후에 교회 운영방안을 놓고 회의가 있겠습니다.
There will be meeting for future church operation plan
after service today

5. 이번주 헌화는 박순길 집사님이 딸 Ashley의 생일을 맞아


1. Weekly Saturday morning prayer meeting at 7 am
새벽기도회가 매주 토요일 아침 7시에 있습니다.

2. Please pray for smooth pastoral transitions
Pastor Chang will be moving in September 26th and starting his
Pastoral work in October. Pray for safe drving from
Duluth, GA to Wichita, KS (about 1000 miles)
장진영 목사님은 9월 26일 위치타로 이사를 오시고
10월 첫주부터 목회를 시작하실 예정입니다.
안전하게 운전하고 오실 수 있도록 기도 부탁드립니다.

3. Thank you everyone who helped Garage sale on 9-22/23.
Total profit was $2011.35 and 33% mission and 33$ church
33% will be used for Women’s mission group.

4. 교회에서 마지막으로 나가시는 분은 문단속, 에어컨디션,
전기를 한번씩 확인해 주시고 나가 주시기 바랍니다.

5. KNCSB Annnal meeting is next week and we will send Pastor Emery and his wife as a Chruch Agent


1. Weekly Saturday morning prayer meeting at 7 am
새벽기도회가 매주 토요일 아침 7시에 있습니다.

2. Please pray for smooth pastoral transitions
Pastor Chang will be here end of September and starting his
Pastoral work on October.
새 목사님의 부임이 순조롭게 진해될 수 있도록
기도해 주시기 바랍니다. 장진영 목사님은 9월 말에 오시고
10월 부터 목회를 시작하실 예정입니다.

3. 9/22-23 Garage sale at 3708 E Skinner St (박진희 집사님댁)
We need your help for moving Garage Sale goods from church
to where garage sale will be held after today’s lunch time

4. 장로교회 한글학교에서 한글학교 선생님이 필요하다고
연락이 왔으니 관심이 있으신 분들은 연락 바랍니다.


1. Weekly Saturday morning prayer meeting at 7 am
새벽기도회가 매주 토요일 아침 7시에 있습니다.

2. Please pray for smooth pastoral transitions
Pastor Chang will be here end of September and starting his
Pastoral work in October.

3. Today is Korean Thanksgiving, Chuseok,
Please enjoy special lunch today

4. 교회에서 마지막으로 나가시는 분은 문단속, 에어컨디션,
전기를 한번씩 확인해 주시고 나가 주시기 바랍니다.

5. 9/22-23 Garage sale at 3708 E Skinner St
If you have anything for garage sale,
Please bring them to church before event start


1. Weekly Saturday morning prayer meeting at 7 am
새벽기도회가 매주 토요일 아침 7시에 있습니다.

2. Please pray for smooth pastoral transitions
Pastor Chang will be here end of September and starting his
Pastoral work on October.
새 목사님의 부임이 순조롭게 진해될 수 있도록
기도해 주시기 바랍니다. 장진영 목사님은 9월 말에 오시고
10월 부터 목회를 시작하실 예정입니다.

3. Pastor Emery is traveling to Germany/Swiss. Pray for his
Safe trip.

4. Justin is leaving on 9/6 for Basic training (Air National guard)

5. 9/22-23 Garage sale at 3708 E Skinner St (박진희 집사님댁)
If you have anything for garage sale,
Please bring them to the church before event start


1. Weekly Saturday morning prayer meeting at 7 am
새벽기도회가 매주 토요일 아침 7시에 있습니다.
3. Women’s mission committee  meeting will be held
Friday 11 AM

4. We are process of replacing Bathroom Vanity with top sink.
Women’s mission committee donated for church
Please use the sink in the fellowship hall during the maintenance.

5. Four highschool students are graduating Today
We are recognizing them during the service

6. Please help us for cleaning the sanctuary right after service.